Common Issues
A collection of common questions and solutions for users of CUES and OPERA
- Resetting your password
- Practitioner Profiles
- QIO Tutorial - Optical DSPT Checklist
- Create an administrator role
- Clinical Dashboard
- Practice Profiles
- Failed to Engage (FTE), Did Not Attend (DNA) & Was Not Brought (WNB) Policy
- Exporting DICOM files from Topcon Maestro
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
- Changing Email Preferences
- Managing DNA/FTE/WNB and Closing Episodes
- QIO Tutorial - NHS Standard Contract
- Reset your password in 50 seconds
- Why does my referral say waiting?
- Issues with SpecSavers Systems
- Ensuring you have the correct patient
- Issues with OPTIX PMS
- Patient Demographics - Accuracy
- Archived System Messages
- Patients with no fixed abode