GOS18 - PMS API Submissions

Opera API Integration - GP Notification Letters

If there is an API in place to integrate with your practice management system on Opera, you will come to the following pages when referring on the GOS18 module:

  •         The selection made by the referrer from this menu populates the GP Action Required section on the notification letter sent to the GP.
  •         The GP will always receive a notification letter for each referral, including those referred to ophthalmology. You must select the correct GP Action required here to avoid confusion and a possible duplicate referral by GP.
  •         Select ' Information Only ' unless the GP is required to take further action.
  •         By selecting 'Advise referral to Hospital Eye Department' on this dropdown, the GP sees the following on their notification letter.

  • While the notification letter to GP will also advise where the referral has been sent, a GP practice will follow the GP Action section instructions. In the example above, the GP practice may make a duplicate referral to the hospital.
  • To avoid confusion, please advise all your referrers of this guidance
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