From setting up your account, enabling 2FA and logging in for the first time
24 articles
A collection of common questions and solutions for users of CUES and OPERA
21 articles
This section contains documents, forms and guidance that you might be referred to
2 articles
1 article
This section provides information on the pre and post cataract modules within OPERA
12 articles
Community Eye Services - Applicable to Croydon, Lincolnshire & Southend
4 articles
A selection of quick videos and guides to CUES function in OPERA
13 articles
Information and guidance on using the MECS function within OPERA
7 articles
All the modules that are currently available for users are described here
7 articles
How to use the Easy Eye Care service (for Patients with LD) clinical module in OPERA
5 articles
The OHT & Glaucoma Monitoring Tool including transfer and review forms,
5 articles
Glaucoma Referral Filtering Services
4 articles
The clinical module to support the Low Vision Service
8 articles
How to undertake a GOS18 referral within OPERA including image uploads
21 articles
A range of features and functions for OPERA hospital users
2 articles
1 article
6 articles
Information on finances, invoices and how to raise queries
1 article
This space is for guidance on practice changes and processes to follow
9 articles
OPERA contains a number of profiles - including practice and practitioner profiles.
9 articles
1 article
Information for hospital users on tracking transferred referrals.
4 articles
Information for providers who need to triage referrals including internal referrals.
3 articles
If you are accessing the EeRS GOS 18 directly from your PMS
2 articles
These are a collection of screen cast videos demonstrating key functions of OPERA
3 articles
A range of documents that demonstrate the systems regulatory compliance.
10 articles
All about different files and image formats and how to use with OPERA
4 articles
Help to make your first referral using OPERA including image uploading.
14 articles
How to create an internal referral
1 article
A set of tasks to complete before your first live patient
21 articles
Finding, creating and editing patient records including patient data views.
8 articles
Learn about how we keep you informed on the status of your referrals
10 articles
Important information on the status of OPERA including future releases.
3 articles
Privacy policy, EULA and other regulatory documents
2 articles
2 articles