Guide to video consultations in OPERA

We have collected resources here for you in relation to the use of the Whereby in application video system as well as broader guidance on remote clinical working:

Clinical advice

Principles for supporting high quality consultations by video in general practice during COVID-19 - here

Using Online Consultations In Primary Care - here

Technical advice


Video calls are secure. The video and audio communication of the consultation is only visible to participants on the call. The video platform will not take a recording of your consultation. 

Further Support and Information

Video calls are free, except for any internet usage. A video call uses a similar amount of data to a Skype or FaceTime call (roughly 500MB for 20 minutes). We recommend that patients connect to their Wi-Fi to avoid using their mobile data allowance.

  • You will need a smartphone with a working Wi-Fi/3G/4G connection.
  • iPhones operating on old software (iOS 12 and earlier) will need to download the Whereby app to join the consultation
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